can anyone suggest me a way to solve the following problem?

Consider a WS client which has to access a Web Service which can be deploied
at different sites. The choice of what service endpoint to use is made by
the user of the client program at Run Time. I' m trying to develop such
client.  Using WSDL2Java I obtain classes (to access the service) with
static (hardcoded) service address, complex types Qnames, etc... (depending
on which WSDL address I provide to WSDL2Java).
Is it correct to modify the classes generated by WSDL2Java manually,
replacing those hardcoded addresses with dinamic ones (generated by user
interaction)? This solution is a bit uncomfortable because if I modify the
service and regenerate the client classes using WSDL2Java all my changes
lost. Is this the only solution (since I also need to get classes for
complex types generated) or is there a more elegant (comfortable) one?

Thanks in advance

Massimo Barabino

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