I am not sure how to generate the doc/lit wsdl).

Martini Roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Tony for the help, but It was only a simple reproduction of the problem that I'm having. The real problem involves about 10 interfaces with 7-8 methods taht use about 50 "complex-type". Moreover I need the generation of the wsdls and wsdd besause these interfaces are subject of continuous changes.
What can you tell me about my first question (generation of pure document/literal wsdl  (i.e. without any reference to SoapEncoding) with Axis 1.1)?
Best Regards
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Tony Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inviato: luned́ 16 febbraio 2004 18.01
Oggetto: Re: java2wsdl problem with axis1.2 alfa

The java2WSDL and WSDL2java not always work as one expected. They always work molto bene with those interfaces that contain simple type such as String, int, float and so on.
The listUsers() interface seems simple, try to write the deploy.wsdd and the client code yourself and deploy the service. If you need any help I can help you with the wsdd and the client code.

Martini Roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everybody
...since 1 month I'm hanging on the following problem: I want to generate with Axis 1.1 a pure document/literal wsdl (starting from a Java Interface ) without any reference to SoapEncoding. For example, when, the interface refers to an array of Objects (ex: public User[] getUsers(); ) the wsdl will contain the following:

To solve this problem, I decided to try Axis 1.2alfa, but when I run Java2Wsdl whit the same configuration used with axis 1.1 i get the following Exception:

faultCode: {}Server.generalException
faultString: Please register a typemapping/beanmapping for 'com.cadit.trf.wsstruct.entity.custom.AnagraficaPage'
faultCode: {}Server.generalException
faultString: Please register a typemapping/beanmapping for 'com.cadit.trf.wsstruct.entity.custom.AnagraficaPage'

Please register a typemapping/beanmapping for 'com.cadit.trf.wsstruct.entity.custom.AnagraficaPage'
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.writePartToMessage(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.writeResponseMessage(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.writeMessages(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.writePortType(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.getWSDL(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.emit(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.emit(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL.main(

Please register a typemapping/beanmapping for 'com.cadit.trf.wsstruct.entity.custom.AnagraficaPage'
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.writePartToMessage(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.writeResponseMessage(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.writeMessages(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.writePortType(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.getWSDL(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.emit(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter.emit(
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL.main(

To reproduce the problem, try to run java2wsdl (by axis1.2alfa) onto a class that refears to another one.
For example, try to generate the wsdl for the interface User as follow:

public interface User
public UserList listUsers();

public class UserList
private String[] users;

public String[] getUser()
return users;

public void setUser(String[] users)
this.users = users;

What is the problem? Am I missing something nedded by the new Axis version or ?
Is there a way to generate a wsdl without the usage of soap-encoding?
Thanks in advance

Martini Roberto

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