For you folks that are sending attachments to .NET clients from Axis
what Servlet Engines are you using?  I've been having trouble getting
Tomcat 4.1.29 to do this.  I am using the same approach as Jim just spelled




AFAIK you cannot specify that a client must send an attachment or that a
service returns an attachment in WSDL. There is an example in the samples
directory of a method signature for sending and retrieving attachments (they
use custome serialisers). This worked fine for me on the Java only side but
when I tried to get a .net client to use the service I had problems so I
changed my code so that the service had a string parameter and returned an
int, on the server I added the attachment to the response and set the type
to DIME. The drawback is that you have to physically tell the client about
the attachment.

Hope this helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: "BLIS Webmaster (Patrick Houbaux)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: declare attachment in wsdl

> Hi,
> Sometime ago I asked the same kind of question but never get any answer.
> What I did for now (as a workaround) is to tell about the attachments in
my webservice documentation. But that is just a workaround.
> If anybody has an idea, please could you share it ;)
> Cheers,
> Patrick.
> Dario Di wrote:
> > Hi axis users,
> > I'd like to know if is there a way to declare in the
> > wsdl that a client of a ws has to send an attachment
> > as a parameter of the message, so that when I use
> > WSDL2Java I can use the portType in this way:
> >
> > result = port.myMethod(dh, <other parameters>);
> >
> > where dh is a DataHandler or some other way to
> > reference an attachment.
> >
> > Please help me!
> >
> > Dario
> >

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