
Here is the link:

Please note that they just moved the project from sourceforge thus you won't find lots of info. Just download the source, there you'll find some good info and examples. AFAIK the library is not yet production ready since there is no released standard yet for Web Service Security but there is a lot of engagement from the Oasis group. Anyway, I made very good experience with WSS4J.


peter anthony cowan wrote:
I have not heard of that, do you have a link?

Is it production ready?


Yves Langisch wrote:

Have a look at the WSS4J project. They provide Axis handlers for signing
and encrypting as it is described in WS Security.


Mei Wu wrote:

Hey, the package has a simple way although it is not a wsdl
generated client stubs, but I think you can deploy the ClientHandler to do
it just as in the sample, so whether or not it is wsdl generated is not

----- Original Message -----
From: "peter anthony cowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 11:48 PM
Subject: Need help signing a SOAP Request with a Digital Signature

Can anyone recommend to me or point me somewhere that describes
a simple, straightforward way to sign a SOAP request with a Digital


within the Axis framework?  I am aware of the XMLSecurity library, but
there doesn't seem to be a complete example for a Client.

I am trying to transition from using the classes automatically generated

by the

wsdl; is there a way to integrate these into the signing process? Any


would be greatly appreciated.


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