We had 
Apache web server (handling SSL/Basic Auth) -> to
Tomcat (with Axis)

Initially we had connection issues with SSL/Basic Auth on Apache, but it turned out to 
be a plugin issue between Apache/Tomcat.
Not sure about websphere.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
Date:  Thu, 25 Mar 2004 14:11:43 -0600

>I saw a couple with this problem in earlier posts, but I haven't seen a
>solution yet...
>I'm installing a web service for the first time on a websphere 5 environment
>over SSL.  The service works fine over HTTP, but not HTTPS.  The fault code
>is this:
> faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException
> faultSubcode: 
> faultString: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The root element is required in
>a well-formed document.
> faultActor: 
> faultNode: 
> faultDetail: 
>Inspecting the soap message with
>call.getMessageContext().getRequestMessage().getSOAPPartAsString() looks
>fine...but when I turn on javax.net.debug=all and view the unencrypted
>message, it appears to have some extra characters at the end of the message,
>which definitely cause it to be not well-formed.
>Any ideas?  Thanks for any help.


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