Hi Steve

I don't understand because I've described my problem
(NullPointerException), a possible reason and I've attached the WSDL and
axis log. Unfortunately, I couldn't attach a zip file and had to add this
information in the mail itself.

Here is my problem:

I'm using the following WSDL to write my Axis client application.
Unfortunately, I get a NullPointerException when I call the method

[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,439 DEBUG [main:] axis.message.SAXOutputter -
SAXOutputter.endElement ['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' Body]
- (SAXOutputter.java:endElement:146)
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,439 DEBUG [main:] axis.message.SAXOutputter -
SAXOutputter.endElement ['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'
Envelope] - (SAXOutputter.java:endElement:146)
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,459 DEBUG [main:] axis.message.SAXOutputter -
SAXOutputter.endDocument - (SAXOutputter.java:endDocument:86)
[java] java.lang.NullPointerException
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,459 DEBUG [main:] axis.client.AxisClient - Exit:
AxisClient::invoke - (AxisClient.java:invoke:218)
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,459 DEBUG [main:] axis.client.Call - Exit:
Call::invoke() - (Call.java:invoke:2559)
[java]     at
deServiceCodeService_1_0SOAPBindingStub.java:431) [java]     at
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,469 DEBUG [main:] axis.message.RPCHandler -
Enter: RPCHandler.onStartChild() - (RPCHandler.java:onStartChild:163)
[java]     at com.zurich.chz.codeservice.Client.main(Client.java:61)
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,469 DEBUG [main:] axis.message.RPCHandler - Type
from attributes is:  {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}int -
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,509 DEBUG [main:] axis.message.RPCHandler -
Exit: RPCHandler.onStartChild() - (RPCHandler.java:onStartChild:331)
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,519 DEBUG [main:] axis.client.Call - Exit:
Call::invoke(RPCElement) - (Call.java:invoke:2398)
[java] 2004-03-15 09:22:32,519 DEBUG [main:] axis.client.Call - Exit:
Call::invoke(ns, meth, args) - (Call.java:invoke:2174)
[java] Exception in thread "main"
[java] Java Result: 1

I'm wondering that the RPCHandler only handles the inout parameter
"lastRecord". I noted that the output parameter hashmap (generated by axis)
only contains one element:
java.util.Map _output;
_output = _call.getOutputParams();

>Hi Oliver,
>It would help if this mail stated exactly what your problem is.
>Quoting Oliver Wulff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi all
>> I'm wondering whether this is already a known bug in Axis because I
>> get a reply so far.
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Oliver

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