Hi all,


I've been trying to run WSDL2Java on my RPC/Literal WSDL, but I keep running into a seemingly simple problem.  In the WSDL, I've created a createSalesOrderRequest message as the following:


<wsdl:message name="createSalesOrderRequest">

        <wsdl:part name="SalesOrder" type="n1:SalesOrderWrap"/>



Here, assume n1 belongs to namespace my.example.com and the namespace of the WSDL is "urn:SalesCreator". 


But when I generate the stubs and make call with them, I found out that the namespace for SalesOrder isn't picked up.  So the body of the SOAP message becomes


<createSalesOrder xmlns="urn:SalesCreator">

   <SalesOrder xmlns="">


Instead of setting the xmlns for SalesOrder to that of SalesOrderWrap or even that of the WSDL, WSDL2Java sets it to empty the namespace.  Any idea why that's the case?


My question is, is there any thing I can add to the WSDL so that the generated stubs will set the xmlns to something other than the empty ""?  I know I can manually modify the stubs to insert a value.  However, that doesn't solve my problem, since I am writing these WSDL files to be used by other testing tools that also take advantage of axis' WSDL2Java.


Thanks so much!



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