Greeting Folks,

I have what seems like a question which many might ask, but after searching through the various Axis docs, along w/ some of the reccommended reading, as well as perusing the archives of this list, I remain unclear on the answer, so at the risk of proving myself an idiot for asking, here goes.

First a little background. I'm working w/ RPC style services which are written in Java and act as a middle tier btw the client app and a 3rd party ERP API, which defines a number of methods and their associated complex input & output parameters mapped to Java classes. The complex types consist of "fields" which corrspond to types all from those listed in the standard mappings btw SOAP/XML and Java, as defined in Axis user guide. Custom WSDD files specify the service's allowed methods & bean mappings, which is deployed to Axis using the AdminClient tool. All of this has been developed, deployed and tested on Axis 1.1.

My question regards how to get, if possible, the service to include some of the metadata which the backend API makes available regarding each parameter, such as its size, default value, description, and most importantly whether or not the parameter's required. I gather that the nillable, minOccurs, and maxOccurs attributes are meant to address required elements, but it's not clear to me how to control how these attributes appear in the service's WSDL representation. Currently, the nillable attribute always appears set to "true".

Can somebody point me towards some documentation that explains how to encode this information either into the deployment descriptor, or into the java classes themselves so that they can be exported by the service's WSDL in order to implement client-side validation?

Thanks in advance, Albert

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