> > One last note: This WSDL will be consumed by clients who
> > purchase the software I am developing.  They will be 
> > responsible for generating their own Web Service Clients 
> > using the toolkit of their choice, so I am trying to make it 
> > as standardized as possible while requiring minimum client 
> > intervention/recoding when they generate the Web Service client.
> > 

If client application is based on .NET platform...

I create Connector class.

Generate proxy from WSDL,
and dynamicaly create a TypedDateSet object
reading the XSD from the specified URL.
(included in a ear or war)
You can generate miscrosoft-specific XSD using Schema designer,
which enables relationships as well as many constraints.
And distribute this as a dll file to GUI developers.
They can access just like a local datasource.

ComponentOne DataObject may be helpfull.
(I avoided this component because of the problem
about the interoperability with JanusSystems components)

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