Where can I get an English translation? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Thilo Frotscher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:56 PM Subject: Announce: German book on Apache Axis released
> Hi! > > This week our German book on Apache Axis was released. On 650 pages, > it contains lots of useful information for developers working with Axis. > For example, there are detailed chapters on the internal architecture > of Axis, on handlers, on providers, on the type mapping framework and > also a very detailed chapter on web services security. Of course, > basic topics like how to build and install Axis, how to use complex > types and parameter modes, or how to realize session handling are also > explained. A special chapter on message styles clarifies the differences > between RPC/Encoded, RPC/Literal, Doc/Literal and Wrapped. > > Besides, the book contains a lot of examples, like custom providers > or a complete code example on how to add WS-Security functionality to > Axis applications using handlers - though WSS4J is not yet used. > > Readers should have knowledge of web service basics like SOA, SOAP or > WSDL since these were intentionally covered in a rather short overview > chapter only. This book is not on web services, it is on Axis only > (besides two chapters about SAAJ and JAX-RPC). > > The title of the book is "Java Web Services mit Apache Axis", the > publisher is called "Software & Support Verlag", ISBN 3-935042-57-4. > Amazon did not update its web site yet, but more information can be > found at the publisher's site, where you can have a look at the book's > table of contents: > http://entwickler.com/sus/sus_buch/psecom,id,61,nodeid,8,_language,de.html > > Best regards, > Thilo >