Hi all,
        I am moving from Weblogic web services to Websphere, and am using Axis on WAS 
5.1 because i need to use custom serializers and de-serializers, which Websphere 
doesnt support currently.
        I am having trouble getting my custom de-serializer to work,though my 
serializer does work. 

        From the Axis documentation i saw that i could deploy my web app containing my 
web service implementation classes, with axis jars in the WEB-INF\lib directory, and a 
web.xml file that contains all the servlet defns and mappings for the AxisServlets.  

        (1) I put all my classes in the WEB-INF\classes dir. I put the axis and xml 
parser jars in the WEB-INF\lib dir. I put a server-config.wsdd file in the WEB-INF 
dir,along with the web.xml file. 
        I did this so i wouldnt have to run the AdminClient again - is this ok ?

        (2) The web app deploys fine, i can go to http://server:port/MyApp/services 
and see the AdminService, the Version web service and my own web service.

        My class WSTester has a method   public String 
processMiscellaneousReq(DummyParam param). I have created Serializers and 
Deserializers for DummyParam and registered them in the wsdd file as follows (besides 
the entries for AdminService and Version):

 <service name="ComplexService" provider="java:RPC">
  <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
  <parameter name="className" value="com.blackpearl.service.websphere.test.WSTester"/>
  <typeMapping xmlns:ns="http://www.blackpearl.com/services"; qname="ns:request" 


(1) When i set the style to RPC, i cannot view my WSDL. i.e, i cannot go to 
http://myserviceurl?wsdl. I see this error :

Canapos;t find prefix for &apos;http://www.blackpearl.com/services&apos;. Namespace 
prefixes must be set on the Definition object using the addNamespace(...) method.: 

(2) When  i set the style to document, i can view the WSDL. However, when i attempt to 
execute it (using MindReef SOAPScope) i see this exception :

        faultcode = soapenv:Server.userException, 
        faultstring = org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child 
element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize., 
         Im not sure if my de-serializer is being called at all.. is my wsdd file 
correct ?

(3) Is there a schema for the WSDD file somewhere ? The user's guide provides some 
information on the commonly used elements, but is not complete. Where do i find the 
schema/dtd for it ? This would *really* help. I see some mention of elements like 
<operation>, but they are not fully described in the User's Guide. Where should i be 
looking ?

        Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance,

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