After checking the source code in CVS of the Ant task, I noticed that the only attributes
supported for <complexType> are:
- classname
- namespace
- serializer
- deserializer
And the qname is actually automatically generated from this information.
I added an "improvement" issue in the issue database about that: AXIS-1365.
BLIS Webmaster (Patrick Houbaux) wrote:
Hi all,
I'm using the ant task axis-java2wsdl to generate my WSDL.
I need some specific qname for the complex type I want to make appear in
my WSDL.
Is it possible to specified the qname I want to appear in my WSDL
instead of the automatically generated one comming from the classname
and the namespace?
I'm looking for something like the qname attribute in the typeMapping in
deployment WSDD files.