One way to do this is as follows...Write your own class loader for
your classes, then try to use ClassUtils.setClassLoader to set the
custom classloader and then invvoke java2wsdl as usual.

-- dims

On Fri, 4 Jun 2004 11:39:15 -0700, Sagar Pidaparthi
> Thanks for the reply on customizing Java2WSDL.  Here is a further
> question.
> I am assuming that java2wsdl instantiates a java object and introspects
> the object and generates wsdl for this class.  If this is true, my plan
> is to customize java2wsdl and use a factory to instantiate my java
> object and then let AXIS introspect and generate wsdl for this object.
> My main requirement is to generate wsdl for a java object generated by
> my factory.
> Is this feasible?
> sagar
> In the documentation I find a plug-in point for customizing
> wsdl2java.  Is it possible to customize java2wsdl?
> sagar

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