Hi there,
i have a problem with deploying a plug-in (query string handler) for axis. Following steps I performed:
1) Installed axis (1.2beta) in Tomcat (4.1.30). Tomcat & axis are up and running, happyaxis seems to report no errors. This means all core and optional components are present and xerces is used.
2) Put the following entry into the server-config.wsdd:
<transport name="http">
<parameter name="qs:damls" value="de.tuberlin.ivs.damls.QSDamlSHandler"/>
Optionally I kept the default entries as for wsdl, name and so on. The referenced class I put in a jar into axis lib-dir.
3) I tried to call a service and appended an '?damls', e.g.: 'http://localhost:8080/axis/services/Version?damls'
QSDamlSHandler should do nothing but print something out. But nothing happens. If I modify entries for '?wsdl' axis doesn't care. Have I forget anything or did anything wrong?
Thanks for your reply & Best regards,