Use the address of operator(&)

as in:

BSTR bstrStatus;
pBrowser->get_StatusText( &bstrStatus );



Thanks for your help.
Any idea what I have to change to handle the BSTR*? I cannot findinfo on the pointer version anywhere.
Thanks again,
In a message dated 7/21/2004 5:34:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


    Looks like you'll want something like:
    ::SysAllocString(...), but don't forget ::SysFreeString


    [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello,
> > I am creating a client for my axis web service in Visual Studio. By
> using Visual Studio to add a web reference, the program creates
> several data objects of type BSTR.
> > I am wondering if anybody could give me a quick explanation why my
> Strings are getting placed as BSTR's, and one is being placed as a
> BSTR*. Now the BSTR* is becoming a complete obstacle because I
> even know how to get it initialized and I can't find anything on it.
> > If somebody could give me a quick rundown of what I have to do to
> these BSTR's to get them initialized with the String values and how
> they'll run through axis, that'd be great.
> > Thanks in advance.
> James Crosson

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