
I just dropped in the libraries from Axis 1.2 Beta 2 as a replacement for
the libraries from Axis 1.1 into my application which prevents it from
I am using Tomcat 5.0.27 and Java 1.4.2_05.

A simplified view of what I am doing is as follows:
- send a complex hierarchy of objects consisting of beans
- the top of the hierarchy is the PortalPlaceData-object, which contains an
array of PortalPageData-objects

public class PortalPlaceData
      public PortalPageData[] getPages();
      public void setPages(PortalPageData[] pages);

- When serializing this hierarchy with Axis 1.1 part of the xml-output
looks like this

<pPlaceData xsi:type="ns4:PortalPlaceData" xmlns:ns4="
 <pages xsi:type="soapenc:Array" soapenc:arrayType="ns4:PortalPageData[1]"

Without changing anything except the Axis libraries, Axis 1.2 generates
something like this (which for me looks quite different especially
"ns4:PortalPageData[][1]" looks wrong because it seems to declare a
two-dimensional array instead of a one-dimensional one, like Axis 1.1 did.

<pPlaceData xsi:type="ns4:PortalPlaceData"
    <pages soapenc:arrayType="ns4:PortalPageData[][1]"
        <item xsi:type="ns4:PortalPageData">

- on the server-side deserialization works fine with the xml from Axis 1.1,
but with the xml from Axis 1.2 the following error-message is logged
   (BeanPropertyTarget.java    :set                 :162 ) - Could not
convert [[Lde.upb.portal.remote.data.PortalPageData; to bean field 'pages',
type [Lde.upb.portal.remote.data.PortalPageData;

I am not to familiar with encoding etc. but it works with Axis 1.1. I
appreciate any hint or help. If there is some information I should provide
to further explain the problem I will be happy to post it.


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