Title: Need assistance with properly binding a webservice to a java class

Over the past year or so our group has been participating in an open-source project that involves several healthcare and medical centers and utilizes technologies such as OpenEMed, Pids, COAS, Shark, and HL7.  Though you may (or may not) be familiar with these, I'm making the assumption that in the situation the exact particulars are not necessarily important.

To make a long story short, we're writing Java Beans and JSP pages (over Resin) that utilize classes that come from OpenEmed and other such projects.  We're currently trying to use Axis to expose some of our classes as web services.

To do so, we used examples to write our own WSDD files and we've successfully deployed some of our classes as web services.  Next we used WSDL2Java to create the proxy classes needed to write JSP clients to consume these web services and ultimately we'd like to remotely call our class methods from Shark (our workflow engine).  In order to accomplish this, we've looked through some of the examples (which have been few and far bewteen) and we've written a test page that posts to a servlet (again based on an existing code sample).  This servlet has a doGet() method that uses the WSDL2Java created PortType and ServiceLocator files.  (See ProtocolMgrServlet.java code below)

Our problem is that the resulting PortType return value is always null even when it shouldn't be.  Even if we have the servlet call a simple method that only returns "Hello, World", the PortType return value is always null.  Looking at the Resin logs, the servlet seems to be sending the appropriate SOAP request envelope and is receiving a subsequent SOAP response envelope, but it never returns the correct value.  It seems to us as though it's not actually communicating with the bean/class.

We'd like to know what we can do (ie what code we'd have to show you) in order for us to get your assistance in troubleshooting our code and figuring out what (if any ) our binding issues may be.

For now, I'll just show you the servlet, but I'd be more than happy to send you more, once I know what you'd be interested in seeing.

Thanks you,
Lawrence Love
City of Hope
626-359-8111 x64415

== BEGIN ProtocolMgrServlet.java ==

package org.coh.First.Protocol;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class ProtocolMgrServlet extends HttpServlet {
  private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";

  //Initialize global variables
  public void init() throws ServletException {

  //Process the HTTP Get request
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">");
    out.println("<p>The servlet has received a " + request.getMethod() + ". This is the reply.</p>");

    ProtocolMgrPortType pmpt = null;
        ProtocolMgrServiceLocator pmsl = new ProtocolMgrServiceLocator();
        pmpt = pmsl.getProtocolMgr(new java.net.URL("http://localhost:8080/axis/servlet/AxisServlet/ProtocolMgr"));

        String paramProtocol = request.getParameter("protocol");
        String paramState = request.getParameter("state");

        if (request.getParameter("version").equals("2"))
          String results = pmpt.setProtocolState2(paramProtocol, paramState);
          out.println("Result:  " + results + "<br><br>");

            boolean results = pmpt.setProtocolState(paramProtocol, paramState);
          out.println("Result:  " + results + "<br><br>");

        out.println("paramProtocol:" + paramProtocol + "<br>");
        out.println("paramState:" + paramState + "<br>");
    catch(Exception ex){
        out.println("Result: EXCEPTION!"+ex);
    catch(Error e) {
        out.println("Result: ERROR!"+e);


  //Process the HTTP Post request
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    doGet(request, response);

  //Clean up resources
  public void destroy() {

== END ProtocolMgrServlet.java ==

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