Hi Chris,,

There is no problem, u can add a request flow, response flow inside  a
service tag. Then the content in the request flow/response flow will
be executed only when a request come for the containing service.

Just add the request flow inside the service tag in the
server-config.wsdd file and then restart the server, it will work.

Even when u deploy the service using AdminClient. The same thing
happens. Internally, the engine will add the necesssary things from
the deploy.wsdd to the
server-config.wsdd. But the only thing is then, u dont have to restart
the server since the engine while writing to the server-config.wsdd
file, will have a refernce to the service deployed in memory.


On Thu, 9 Sep 2004 14:03:37 -0700 (PDT), Christian Villoslada
> It seems that the only way I can insert a
> <requestFlow> through the server-config.wsdd is
> directly inside of the <deployment> tag.
> I'd like to insert a <requestFlow> tag inside of one
> of my <service> tags.
> Is there any way I can do this?
> It seems that if I insert a <requestFlow> inside of a
> <service> tag then Axis does not recognize it.  But if
> I deploy my web service on the command line (after i
> start my server) by invoking AxisServlet it seems that
> Axis does recognize my <requestFlow> inside of a
> <service> tag.
> Thank you in advance for any help.
> Chris
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