Please comment on this pseudocode for exception handling. 
The majority of the client and server code would throw 
subclasses of DetailedException, which would not be axis-
specific. That would be converted to and from an 
AxisFault, and a generic fault would be sent over the 
wire (illustrated at the end).

Main {
  main() {
    try {
      s = MyCallerOfWebService.callOperation();
      // display s to user
    catch ( DetailedException e ) {
      displayDetailedExceptionDialog( e );
    catch ( Exception e2 ) {
      displayGenericExceptionDialog( e2 );

// main() calls this:

MyCallerOfWebService { // axis-specific class
  String callOperation() {
    try {
    catch ( Exception e ) {
      // e will most likely be an AxisFault,
      // but could be a RemoteException?
      throw AxisExceptionFactory.convertToDetailedException( e );

// this is the webservice implementation on the server:

MySoapBindingImpl {
  String operation() {
    try {
      return someClass.doSomething();
    catch ( Exception e ) {
      throw AxisExceptionFactory.convertToAxisException( e );

// this does the actual work of the webservice on the server:

SomeClass {
  String doSomething() {
    try {
    catch ( SQLException e ) {
      throw new DatabaseException( 4, 327, e.getMessage() );

// these are the non-axis-specific exceptions
// that are used on the client and the server:

DetailedException {
  // when created, stores off stacktrace,
  // state of server, file/line where exception
  // occurred, etc.

DatabaseException extends DetailedException {
  DatabaseException( int majorCode, int minorCode, String msg ) {
    // majorCode is a key to the generic message,
    // ex.: "can't open database"
    // in the AxisFault, this will be the faultstring value

    // minorCode is a key to the specific message,
    // indicating where the exception occurred and
    // what the user can do about it. This code will be sent
    // in the detail section of the AxisFault, and my client
    // app will look it up and display it to the user.
    // Other client apps will not understand this value unless
    // they've been specifically programmed to do so.

    // msg will be sent in the detail part as well, and will
    // be additional information

// this axis-specific class converts between axis-specific
// exceptions and non-axis-specific exceptions:

AxisExceptionFactory {
  AxisFault convertToAxisException( e ) {
    // create and return an AxisFault, filling
    // out its various fields from 'e'
    // the specific subclass of 'e' will be stored in the detail section

  DetailedException convertToDetailedException( Exception e ) {
    if ( e instanceof AxisFault )
      // create an exception based on the subclass stored in the detail
      // section.
      // For instance, if a DatabaseException was sent, the name
      // 'DatabaseException' will be stored in the detail section
      // fill out the other fields of the DetailedException
      // from the majorCode, minorCode, etc. in the detail section

The actual response would look like:
faultcode: axis:Server
faultstring: Database not running
  majorCode: 4
  minorCode: 327
  msg: some additional information
  line: 15
  num-server-threads: 200
  stack-trace: at blah(334) at blah2(332)...
  etc. etc.

displayDetailedExceptionDialog would convert 4 and 327 into
strings to be shown to the user

other clients would just know how to show 'Database not running'

On 11 Sep 2004 at 16:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Im certainly no expert and I was asking the same thing but from my
> understanding, you can extend remote exception and catch them but you
> loose interop so the best way is to extend axis fault and use constants to
> set fault codes which you can then get at client side. The catch is you
> cant (or I cant anyrate) catch them but rather have to wrap some ugly
> logic / casting to figure out what specific fault you got when you catch
> the axis fault. You can then do setFaultDetail(localised string) etc.
> Richard Hansen posted some interesting stuff @
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03552.html
> /tom

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