Hi, thanks for your response. I tried to prefix those elements as well, but the error message remains the same. I assume from the WSDL that the prefix should be S2, but if you take a look at it, can you confirm that that is the right prefix? I tried a lot of strings from this WSDL as prefix, with no difference.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <wsdl:definitions name="RISC" targetNamespace="urn:tempuri-org" xmlns:tns="urn:tempuri-org" xmlns:S2="urn:tempuri-org:RISC" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:S1="http://www.tempuri.org/wsa/wsa1" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"> <wsdl:documentation>Author=JHE, EncodingType=DOC_LITERAL, Proxygen_Product=Progress Version 10.0A</wsdl:documentation> <wsdl:types> <schema elementFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamespace="http://www.tempuri.org/wsa/wsa1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <element name="FaultDetail"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="errorMessage" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="requestID" type="xsd:string" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </schema> <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="urn:tempuri-org:RISC" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <complexType name="fetchClientRISc_ttClieRow"> <sequence> <element name="clienrv" nillable="true" type="xsd:int" /> <element name="clievl" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="clienmv" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="clievv" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="clienma" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="cliedtg" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="clienmplts" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="clieingesl" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="landom" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="landomoud" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="opdrgv" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="parketnr" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="delictcode1" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="delictom1" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="delictcode2" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="delictom2" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> </sequence> </complexType> <complexType name="fetchClientRISc_ttClieParam"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ttClieRow" type="S2:fetchClientRISc_ttClieRow" /> </sequence> </complexType> <element name="fetchClientRISc"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="piClieNr" type="xsd:int" /> <element name="pcMedewerker" type="xsd:string" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="fetchClientRIScResponse"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="result" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" /> <element name="ttClie" type="S2:fetchClientRISc_ttClieParam" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </schema> </wsdl:types> <wsdl:message name="RISC_fetchClientRISc"> <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="S2:fetchClientRISc" /> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="RISC_fetchClientRIScResponse"> <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="S2:fetchClientRIScResponse" /> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="FaultDetailMessage"> <wsdl:part name="FaultDetail" element="S1:FaultDetail" /> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:portType name="RISCObj"> <wsdl:operation name="fetchClientRISc"> <wsdl:input message="tns:RISC_fetchClientRISc" /> <wsdl:output message="tns:RISC_fetchClientRIScResponse" /> <wsdl:fault name="RISCFault" message="tns:FaultDetailMessage" /> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> <wsdl:binding name="RISCObj" type="tns:RISCObj"> <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" /> <wsdl:operation name="fetchClientRISc"> <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" /> <wsdl:input> <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:input> <wsdl:output> <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:output> <wsdl:fault name="RISCFault"> <soap:fault name="RISCFault" use="literal" /> </wsdl:fault> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:binding> <wsdl:service name="RISCService"> <wsdl:port name="RISCObj" binding="tns:RISCObj"> <documentation /> <soap:address location="http://www.tempuri.org/wsa/wsa1" /> </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service> </wsdl:definitions> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Patrick Herber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Verzonden: dinsdag 12 oktober 2004 11:28 Aan: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Onderwerp: [*** Mogelijke SPAM ***] - RE: newbie: namespace error - Encoded IP Hello; NAMESPACE_ERR is raised if the qualifiedName is malformed, if the qualifiedName has a prefix and the namespaceURI is null, or if the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is different from "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" [Namespaces]. In your case is not that you also should prefix the elements: <piClieNr>2</piClieNr> <pcMedewerker>manager</pcMedewerker> ? Regards, Patrick > -----Original Message----- > From: Kransen, J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2004 10:25 > To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' > Subject: newbie: namespace error > > Hello, I'm trying to make a SOAP call with the following code: > > // Maak de SOAP verbinding > SOAPConnectionFactory scf = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance(); > SOAPConnection soapConnection = scf.createConnection(); > SOAPFactory sf = SOAPFactory.newInstance(); > > // Maak het SOAP bericht > MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance(); > SOAPMessage message = mf.createMessage(); > > // Ga naar de SOAP body > SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart(); > SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope(); > SOAPBody body = envelope.getBody(); > // Vul de body van de message > Name bodyName = sf.createName("fetchClientRISc", "S2", > "urn:tempuri-org:RISC"); > SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = body.addBodyElement(bodyName); > // CVS nummer > Name clientNummerName = sf.createName("piClieNr"); > SOAPElement clientNummer = > bodyElement.addChildElement(clientNummerName); > clientNummer.addTextNode(clientgegevens.getCvsNummer()); > // Gebruikersnaam > Name gebruikersnaamName = sf.createName("pcMedewerker"); > SOAPElement gebruikersnaam = > bodyElement.addChildElement(gebruikersnaamName); > gebruikersnaam.addTextNode(request.getRemoteUser()); > > System.out.println("\n\n==== SOAP BEGIN ==== \n\n"); > System.out.println("SOAP Request gestuurd:"); > message.writeTo(System.out); > > // Zet de ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) als bestemming > URL bus = new URL("http://hpcu700372:2582/risc/reply"); > // Stuur de request, en vang de response op > SOAPMessage soapResponse = soapConnection.call(message, bus); > > System.out.println("\n\n==== REQUEST END; RESPONSE > BEGIN ==== \n\n"); > > System.out.println("SOAP Response ontvangen:"); > soapResponse.writeTo(System.out); > > System.out.println("\n\n==== SOAP END ==== \n\n"); > > // sluit de verbinding > soapConnection.close(); > > The code sends the following SOAP call: > > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> > <soap-env:Envelope > xmlns:soap-env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> > <soap-env:Header/> > <soap-env:Body> > <S2:fetchClientRISc xmlns:S2="urn:tempuri-org:RISC"> > <piClieNr>2</piClieNr> <pcMedewerker>manager</pcMedewerker> > </S2:fetchClientRISc> > </soap-env:Body> > </soap-env:Envelope> > > I get the following response: > > <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> > <SOAP-ENV:Envelope > xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" > xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> > <SOAP-ENV:Body> > <SOAP-ENV:Fault> > <faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode> > <faultstring>Een fout was ontdekt in de Web Service aanvraag. > (10894)</faultstring> > <detail> > <ns1:FaultDetail > xmlns:ns1="http://localhost/wsa"><errorMessage>Fout in SOAP > parameter: NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create or > change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to > namespaces. > (10914)</errorMessage> > <requestID>a6752a3daf51bfb7:18166e5:ff8be1d288:-7ffa#9</requestID> > </ns1:FaultDetail> > </detail> > </SOAP-ENV:Fault> > </SOAP-ENV:Body> > </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> > > What does this mean? > > Jeroen Kransen > > > Dit e-mailbericht met eventuele bijlage(n) is uitsluitend > bestemd voor de geadresseerde(n) en strikt vertrouwelijk. > Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent, verzoeken wij u dit > bericht en eventuele bijlage(n) aan de afzender terug te > sturen en alle kopieën ervan te wissen en te vernietigen. > Hoewel Reclassering Nederland alle zorg besteedt aan correcte > en veilige inhoud, is zij niet aansprakelijk voor virussen in > verzonden e-mailberichten met eventuele bijlage(n). Aan dit > bericht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. > This e-mail message, including any attachment(s), is intended > solely for the addressee(s) and is strictly confidential. If > you are not the intended recipient of this message, please > return this e-mail and the attachment(s) to the sender and > delete and destroy all copies. Despite all its efforts to > ensure that this e-mail has a correct and save content, > Reclassering Nederland is not liable for any viruses > contained in this e-mail message and/or in the attachment(s). > No rights can be claimed on the basis of this e-mail message. > > > >