I fixed it !

Here's the start.sh script I use to launch JBoss + Axis

export JAVA_HOME


# This is like the fix described in 
# http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS-1530

# -c standard for Axis to work, check the axis-user mailing list 
# on 27/9/2004 for that
bin/run.sh -c standard

Thank you to Matthew and Francisco for their help !

(please rememeber I'm newbie and that this fix might not be a "nice" one...)


> Dear you all,
> I'm quite a newbie here and I'm experiencing some problems.
> I have installed JBoss 4.0.0. In the default server, I've deployed
> axis-1.2Beta as a war (I made that "war" out of the webapps directory, with
> no modifications, except I've put the StockQuote service.jws file in it)
> I can see the "happy axis" page and it doesn't say anything alarming. Core
> and optional components seem installed.
> However, if I try to list the deployed web services, I got this in the
> JBoss log:
> 17:46:14,279 ERROR [EngineConfigurationFactoryServlet] Unable to find
> config file.  Creating new servlet engine config file:
> /WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd 17:46:14,306 FATAL [InternalException]
> Exception:
> org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException:
> org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: No engine configuration file -
> aborting!
> org.apache.axis.ConfigurationException: No engine configuration file -
> aborting!
>         at
> org.apache.axis.configuration.FileProvider.configureEngine(FileProvider.jav
>a:224) at org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.init(AxisEngine.java:199)
> Interestingly, if I take the very same "war" file and deploy it in a JBoss
> 3.2.5, everything work very well.
> I think, I can also be positive with Axis 1.1.
> After some googling, I guess that there's a conflict between the Axis in
> JBoss and the Axis I install (which seems logical to me).
> So here are the questions :
> - Is it a good idea to deploy a web service with an Axis I install myself
> in JBoss or is it better to wire everything with what JBoss provides ? -
> Considering the second option, is there any place where I can find step by
> step explanation of how to do so (I feel a bit overwhelmed with all of this
> right now). On another hand, JBoss provides EJB to webservices
> functionality, but it seems quite hard to maintain the necessary code (no
> XDoclet or other to build the various descriptors automatically)
> Thank you for your patience.
> Stefan

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