I'm about to create some webservice stuff and used until now Sun J2EE
1.4 RI for the basics. At the end I have to provide a web service, which
could be deployed to different containers which support JAX-RPC. 

Thanx to the tutorial
and some documentation
I ended up with a .war file with classes, web.xml and a file
jaxrpc-ri.xml (the "raw" .war file). I can deploy that in Sun App Server
(wow;-), it creates all the necessary stuff (stubs ..) behind the
scenes. With Sun's wsdeploy tool I can create a "cooked" (implementation
specific) .war file and deploy that too in Sun App Server.

I can use Tomcat as container for the webservice when I do create the
"cooked" .war file by using Sun's wsdeploy. For that, off course I have
to bring all necessary JAX-RPC stuff from Sun to Tomcat (either in the
.war itself or by copying it to common/lib or so). This works pretty

Now I would like to use Axis 1.2 since I found it supports JAX-RPC -
with it's own implementation (great!). The approach via simply writing
.jws files is nice, like good "old" .jsp stuff!

But, could I/how could I let Axis use my raw .war file? The .war
contains (HelloWorld sample)
   HelloService.class (Interface)
   HelloServiceServlet.class (Impl)
   jaxrpc-ri.xml   Sun specific? JAXRPC specific?
   model.xml.gz   Sun specific? JAXRPC specific?
   sun-web.xml   If I want to deploy in Sun App Srv

The web.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"; version="2.4"
 <env-entry-value>this is the value!</env-entry-value>

The file model.xml.gz is generated with wscompile from J2EE 1.4. I
thought this wscompile + model + jaxrpc-ri.xml would be a fundamental
JAX-RPC feature but it seems it's Sun implementation specific ... Could
anyone clarify this for me?

So, I've got my .war file and don't know what to do with it. :-) I tried
to put it in the Axis folder but nothing happens. I tried to put it in
the plain webapps folder and the .war gets unpacked but nothing more
happens. So, is there an "autodeploy" feature in Axis?

I guess I have to write something like a deploy.xml. How should this
look like for my .war? Do I need to have a .jws file as a "starting
point" for my web service, if I want to deploy it to Axis? I mean, for
commercial use where you often want to hide your implementation, I could
imagine to write - for deployment to Axis - a .jws file and put the rest
of the implementation as .class files in a .jar or so. Is this the
correct way for using Axis JAX-RPC implementation?

Where's the possibility to influence the creation of the WSDL? I mean,
is it possible to influence what get's created: rpc/literal or

Or, is there a way ("cooked" .war as described in the documentation
mentioned above) to create with something like "wsdeploy" a "cooked"
.war for Axis?

Thank you very much!

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