On Tuesday 26 October 2004 04:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Michael,
> Create a WSDL type with the structure you want.
> Run wsdl2java on this.  Use this java class on the client side.
> On the server side, use a different class, use your serializer
>  and the Bean Deserializer  for this.

Yes, that's what I'm trying to do.

> Now you should be able to return your data to the client,
> which will be able to serialize to (probably not use)  and
> deserialize from the network from a java class.

Well, will the client be able to deserialize the data? My return value 
looks like this

<multiRef id="id0" soapenc:root="0"



And I'm wondering if common deserializers can handle that. I haven't got 
the WSDL/schema right, yet, so I can't really tell.


Michael Schuerig                              Life is just as deadly
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               As it looks
http://www.schuerig.de/michael/          --Richard Thompson, Sibella

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