Suzy Fynes wrote:


Can anyone tell me if its possible to automate an axis web service i.e. as oppose to a client making a request when they want information that the service sends out the information daily



One approach would be to simply invert the roles: The "web service" calls the client using SOAP.
Meaning it establishes an HTTP connection to the "client". This means the client runs in a web container
such as Tomcat.

If establishing a connection to the client is not doable (firewalls), then all you can do is
having the client poll the web service periodically for new information.

It might also be worth looking into JMS for this sort of application.
Maybe SOAP is not ideal here.


Dr. Silvano Maffeis, Software Architect, Pyx Engineering AG Zurich   phone:+41-1-404-1006

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