Put ALL axis related jars (under $AXISWEBAPP/WEB-INF/lib) in your
deployed ear in the WEB-INF/lib directory. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Cervi, Anthony (PCLN-NW) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 1:47 PM
Subject: jboss and axis...

i've developed a web service client using axis 1.2  and got everything
to work both standalone and from within a tomcat servlet.  i've now
tried to deploy my code to jboss 3.2.3 and i get the following exception
when calling my client code from within an ejb:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/encoding/Deserializer.
i've tried putting all the required jars in all of the the jboss lib
folders but with no luck.  any ideas?  thanks.

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