
I'm using Axis 1-2 beta and commons-httpclient 2.0
to have persistent connections.

I have modified the client-config.wsdd as follow :
 <transport name="http" pivot="java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender"/>
<transport name="http" 

Unfortunatly, the connections (sockets) are not reused. In order to verify
this, i use the command 'netstat' in Solaris2.8.

Have i to do others things ?

Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance

Thanks in advance.
Slimane AMAR         Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GENIGRAPH            URL : http://www.genigraph.fr
104, rue Castagnary  Tel : +33 01 45 33 64 63
F-75015 PARIS FRANCE Fax : +33 01 45 33 89 63

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