You refactor without changing the interface/WSDL to your service?!

A WSDL artifact published to external consumers is a contract of sort, it is
not something easily changed after the fact.  If you need to refactor either
wait for WS-Versioning (not created yet but sure to come); or create a new
WSDL and corresponding endpoint, publish the URI, describe why it is better,
indicate when the old version's expiration, and hope that customers really
use the new version.

Ed Saltelli
webMethods, Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: Best Practice

Anand Natrajan wrote:

> So what's my approach? Much as there is talk about writing WSDLs first, I
> prefer generating them automatically. I can do all the refactoring I want
> my Java code and trust the java2wsdl generator to generate non-import

So how do you keep you clients from breaking when you refactor?  You 
must hav econtrol over both ends or *really* lenient customers. :)

Jim Murphy
Mindreef, Inc.

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