Tardif, Sebastien wrote:
I have run the SwA example provided by Axis. I got the following method in SwaPort.java:Axis does support SwA because I use it myself. Axis didn't really try to read Basic Profile 1.1 and be compatible for it seems it is. With recent patches and maybe even without them Axis should be better than JWSDP 1.5 in this area.
public java.lang.String swaSend(java.lang.String applicationName, javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart content)
Then I changed
<mime:content part="content" type="multipart/mixed"/>
<mime:content part="content" type="*/*"/>
and I got:
public java.lang.String swaSend(java.lang.String applicationName, javax.activation.DataHandler content)
How do you use Axis' SwA support? Via 'multipart/Related' in binding section plus 'multipart/mixed' type in non-soap:body mime:part like the Axis' SwA example?
Rgds, -R
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