I wrote a simple .NET client and it does not work.  I would appreciate any help.
Here are my steps  on AXIS 1.1
1.  I write a simple class called SecurityMgr and publish as wrapped literal
2.  use wsdl command and point it to the url and it generates 
3. I use csc and produce a SecurityMgrService.dll
4. I write a simple tester
// SecurityTester.cs
using System;
public class SecurityTester
  public static void Main()
    SecurityMgrService objWS = new SecurityMgrService();
    Console.WriteLine("the authentication token is " + 
5. I use csc to compile SecurityTester.cs along with SecurityMgrService.dll
6. I use the .exe to run
I dont see the authentication token.
This works well in java.
Can any one explain what is going wrong?
Is wrapped the best way to deploy for inter-operability?
Does any one have small example of c# that works?


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