I habe the following problem

I have an interface similar to this

public interface IWebService
    public RequestSearchResult requestSearch(SearchRequestBase[] 

and the classes look the following

the ReqeustSearchResult is not the problem

public abstract class SearchRequestBase
    public String searchRequestTypeIdentification;

and now the acutal "problem"

public class CarFoo extends SearchRequestBase {
        private String countryIsoCode;
        private String carID; 
        private String fromStatID;
        private String toStatID; 
        private String cardNumber; 
        private String email; 
        private String telephone;
        private String extras;
        private String agentID;
        // ... getters / setters ...

public class HotelFoo extends SearchRequestBase
    public String topasCityID;
    public String topasRegionIDOrTopasCountryIsoCode;
    public String arrivalDay;
    public String arrivalMonth;
    // ... getters / setters

The problem now is when I run 

java2wsdl IWebService 

the generated wsdl only contains information (schemata) about the 
SearchReqeustBase and not about for example about HotelFoo. I know I can fix 
this by calling java2wsdl the following way 

java2wsdl -e HotelFoo IWebService

The problem now is that the actual interface I have is much more complex and I 
have this case (using inheritance) several times and am trying to look for a 
different fix other than adding each class with -e option.  Is there a way one 
can make Axis look (ie. inheritance search) for  additional classes for which 
to generate *schemata* (not the option -a which looks for additional *methods* 
in inherited classes from the one specified).
Does anyone have an suggestions?
(I know I maybe could add functionality to the java2wsdl framework but I don't 
have the resources to do that - yet if everyone would say that there wouldn't 
be an AXIS project)
Right now I have a shell script where I have added all the classes maually but 
since I am working in a team project and others add classes I don't every time 
want to go over the whole project again and look for added classes.

Thx for any help,


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