Title: DIME Chunking
I don't have an answer for you but noticed the DIME chunking subject.  I have read some articles that state that earlier versions of Axis DO support DIME chunking but none of them provided a concrete example.  I posted a message earlier this (subject: Large Data Transfer) week asking if Axis 1.1 supports DIME chunking (similar post later by L. Piccoli 1/11) and if anyone had an example.  So far no responses to either of the posts.  I'm trying to move large files but have only figured out how to use the DataHandler to do this (haven't tried anything larger than 4.5 MB). 

From: Milazzo, Michael A HQISEC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 8:49 AM
Subject: DIME Chunking

Does anyone know whether Apache Axis 1.2RC2 supports DIME chunking?  I modified my code to send a file as an attachment as opposed to a base64 encoded parameter to my web service (Also Axis-based).  It still chokes on sending file larger than 6.8 MB.  I have modified the heap size on the client, but that doesn't seem to help. 



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