Does anyone have any experience getting Xdoclet (or something else) to
automatically generate their <beanMapping> entries?

I have a hand-rolled version of my service-config.wsdd.  In it, I've
defined my services.  The problem is that I also have a lot of beans
that I want externally available.  Thus, I'd normally make a
<beanMapping> entry for each of the beans.  However, as I have a lot
(and as the list will change), I'd rather use a tool to generate the
<beanMapping> list.  I'd like to have this list generated at compile
time, not at runtime.

I originally thought that Xdoclet would be an appropriate tool for the
task: add a specific "@" tag to the bean, run Xdoclet, merge resulting
file into server-config.wsdd.  Unfortunately, it doesn't natively
support this part of the axis configuration, at least, that's what I
interpret from the axisdeploy sub task
ejb/AxisDeploySubTask.html, under the Merge Files section, it expected
an XML file containing all the <beanMapping>s already defined).

So, does anyone use a tool to automatically generate their <beanMapping>
entries?  If so, what do they use?

Thanks in advance.

Jay Glanville

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