On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 11:53:51 +0000, Stuart Barlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did you get an answer to this problem?
> I have a similar problem running in an AppServer. I want to set http.proxyHost
> but not at the System level. I am using WSDL2Java so I cannot get to the call
> object to set the properties on the Call.
> Graeme Riddell wrote:
> >
> > I have a multithreaded app that is issuing SOAP requests via AXIS. It seems 
> > that if thread 1 sets a http.proxyHost AxisProperty then it's visible to 
> > thread 2 when he calls AxisProperties.getProperty(). (Because 
> > AxisProperties is tied to the current ClassLoader?).
> >
> > The problem I have is that I would like to have these multiple http 
> > requests on different threads potentially target different (or no) proxy 
> > hosts, ie, each thread gets its own AxisProperties.
> >
> > To complicate things there seems to be an additional layer involved which 
> > is that down in the DefaultSocketFactory.create() logic during the 
> > "writeToSocket" there is a call to 
> > TransportClientPropertiesFactory.create("http") which returns a cached 
> > properties object, but I *think* all that he is doing is making calls to 
> > AxisProperties.getProperty().
> >
> > Anyone have a recommendation for how to go about this? Thoughts occurring 
> > to me are to replace the socket factory class with my own (with 
> > AxisProperties.setProperty("axis.socketFactory",.. )?) and use ThreadLocal 
> > to get the proxy values down to that level from my app code, and avoid the 
> > TransportClientProperties cached object. But that seems a little inelegant. 
> > Anyone any ideas?
> >
> > -gr
> >
> --
> Stuart

Davanum Srinivas -

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