It is my understanding that with document/literal, "message"s must be
specified using <part name="xx" element="y:zzz"> syntax, and that you
can NOT use <part name="xx" type="xsd:string">.

Thus, the AddOrderRequest and GetOrderRequest messages need to reference
elements from the schema vs. defining types. With document/literal, you
can validate the message by inspecting the schema, whereas rpc/literal
takes some reverse engineering to figure out what will/should be sent
across the wire.

Tom Gordon

FYI... take a look at
if this is unclear.

Dhananjayan_K wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> I used the document/literal in my .wsdl file and generated the
> stub/skel files using WSDL2Java
> but when I try to invoke my service method iam getting the following error
> AxisFault
> faultCode: {}Client
> faultSubcode:
> faultString: No such operation 'iName'
> faultActor:
> faultNode:
> faultDetail:
> {}hostname:BSD-GFA0094J
> No such operation 'iName'
> at
> org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(
> My wsdl file:
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <definitions name="urn:GetPO"
> targetNamespace="urn:GetPO"
> xmlns:tns="urn:GetPO"
> xmlns:typens="urn:GetPO"
> xmlns:xsd=""
> xmlns:soap=""
> xmlns=""
> xmlns:wbm=""
> xmlns:xsi=""
> xmlns:spc="">
> <!-- type defs -->
> <types>
> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:GetPO"
> xmlns:xsd="">
> <xsd:complexType name="purchaseorder">
> <xsd:sequence>
> <xsd:element name="ItemName" type="xsd:string"/>
> <xsd:element name="Quantity" type="xsd:int"/>
> <xsd:element name="price" type="xsd:float"/>
> <xsd:element name="currency" type="xsd:string"/>
> </xsd:sequence>
> </xsd:complexType>
> <xsd:complexType name="confirmorder">
> <xsd:sequence>
> <xsd:element name="orderedItem" type="xsd:string"/>
> <xsd:element name="Total" type="xsd:float"/>
> </xsd:sequence>
> </xsd:complexType>
> </xsd:schema>
> </types>
> <message name="empty"/>
> <message name="AddOrderRequest">
> <part name="iName" type="xsd:string"/>
> <part name="purchaseOrder" type="typens:purchaseorder"/>
> </message>
> <message name="GetOrderRequest">
> <part name="nameofitem" type="xsd:string"/>
> </message>
> <message name="GetOrderResponse">
> <part name="podetails" type="typens:purchaseorder"/>
> </message>
> <!-- port type declns -->
> <portType name="PurchaseOrderBook">
> <operation name="addEntry">
> <input message="tns:AddOrderRequest"/>
> <output message="tns:empty"/>
> </operation>
> <operation name="getOrder">
> <input message="tns:GetOrderRequest"/>
> <output message="tns:GetOrderResponse"/>
> </operation>
> </portType>
> <!-- binding declns -->
> <binding name="TestingNet" type="tns:PurchaseOrderBook">
> <soap:binding transport=""
> style="document"/>
> <operation name="addEntry">
> <soap:operation soapAction="urn:GetPO/addEntry"/>
> <input>
> <soap:body use="literal"
> encodingStyle=""/
> <>>
> </input>
> <output>
> <soap:body use="literal"
> encodingStyle=""/
> <>>
> </output>
> </operation>
> <operation name="getOrder">
> <soap:operation soapAction="urn:GetPO/getOrder"/>
> <input>
> <soap:body use="literal"
> encodingStyle=""/
> <>>
> </input>
> <output>
> <soap:body use="literal"
> encodingStyle=""/
> <>>
> </output>
> </operation>
> </binding>
> <!-- service decln -->
> <service name="POservice">
> <port name="GetPO" binding="tns:TestingNet" >
> <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/axis/services/GetPO"/
> <http://localhost:8080/axis/services/GetPO%22/>>
> </port>
> </service>
> </definitions>
> my deploy.wsdd
> <deployment
> xmlns=""
> xmlns:java="">
> <!-- Services from POservice WSDL service -->
> <service name="GetPO" provider="java:RPC" style="document" use="literal">
> <parameter name="wsdlTargetNamespace" value="urn:GetPO"/>
> <parameter name="wsdlServiceElement" value="POservice"/>
> <parameter name="wsdlServicePort" value="GetPO"/>
> <parameter name="className" value="GetPO.TestingNetSkeleton"/>
> <parameter name="wsdlPortType" value="PurchaseOrderBook"/>
> <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
> <typeMapping
> xmlns:ns="urn:GetPO"
> qname="ns:purchaseorder"
> type="java:GetPO.Purchaseorder"
> serializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory"
> deserializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory"
> encodingStyle=""
> />
> </service>
> </deployment>
> Any idea where iam going wrong..should I make changed to
> implementation classes
> when i use document/literal...previously I was using rpc..
> regards..
>     -----Original Message-----
>     *From:* Bill Keese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     *Sent:* Thursday, January 27, 2005 11:45 AM
>     *Subject:* Re: Using complex types Axis and .Net
>     You can do either document/literal or wrapped/literal. The
>     difference is that wrapped/literal includes the operation name in
>     the XML message, like:
>     <soap:body>
>     <GetOrderRequest>
>     <name>foo</name>
>     </GetOrderRequest>
>     </soap:body>
>     whereas document/literal doesn't:
>     <soap:body>
>     <name>foo</name>
>     </soap:body>
>     Getting AXIS to do document/literal or wrapped/literal mode is
>     tricky. There are still lots of bugs. However, at least for the
>     purposes of testing you can change your WSDL file to be
>     document/literal mode, and then see if .NET can "Add Web Reference".
>     Change your use="encoded" to use="literal", and style="rpc" to
>     style="document", and erase the encodingStyle attributes.
>     Bill
>     Dhananjayan_K wrote:
>>     Hi Bill,
>>     I tried using xsd:sequence still the same problem occurs...
>>     what's the other way I can go instead of using RPC/encoded...
>>         -----Original Message-----
>>         *From:* Bill Keese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>         *Sent:* Thursday, January 27, 2005 11:17 AM
>>         *To:* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>         *Subject:* Re: Using complex types Axis and .Net
>>         Using RPC/encoded with .NET is risky. (Some people say it
>>         works; other people say it doesn't.) Also, have you tried
>>         using xsd:sequence instead of xsd:all?
>>         Bill
>>         Dhananjayan_K wrote:
>>>>I have a problem related to complex types in axis.
>>>>I have a webservice running on Axis, the webserice returns a complex type
>>>>i am able to succesfully connect to the webservice from java client,
>>>>But when i try to add a "Add Web reference" from .Net iam not able to 
>>>>get the webservice instance.
>>>>Can you please help me in this regard...
>>>>wsdl file content...
>>>><?xml version="1.0" ?>
>>>><definitions name="urn:GetPO" targetNamespace="urn:GetPO"
>>>>xmlns:tns="urn:GetPO" xmlns:typens="urn:GetPO"
>>>>xmlns="" xmlns:wbm="http://www.webmethods.
>>>>  <!-- type defs -->
>>>>  <types>
>>>>       <xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:GetPO"
>>>>                xmlns:xsd="">
>>>>      <xsd:complexType name="purchaseorder">
>>>>        <xsd:all>
>>>>                <xsd:element name="ItemName" type="xsd:string"/>        
>>>>                <xsd:element name="Quantity" type="xsd:int"/>        
>>>>                    <xsd:element name="price" type="xsd:float"/>
>>>>                    <xsd:element name="currency" type="xsd:string"/>
>>>>        </xsd:all>
>>>>      </xsd:complexType>  
>>>>    </xsd:schema>
>>>>  </types>
>>>>  <message name="empty"/>
>>>>  <message name="GetOrderRequest">
>>>>    <part name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
>>>>  </message>
>>>>  <message name="GetOrderResponse">
>>>>   <part name="purchaseOrder" type="typens:purchaseorder"/> <!--Note: If I
>>>>change this to xsd:string then iam able to add the webreference in .Net)
>>>>  </message>
>>>>  <!-- port type declns -->
>>>>  <portType name="PurchaseOrderBook">
>>>>    <operation name="getOrder">
>>>>      <input message="tns:GetOrderRequest"/>
>>>>      <output message="tns:GetOrderResponse"/>
>>>>    </operation>
>>>>  </portType>
>>>>  <!-- binding declns -->
>>>>  <binding name="TestingNet" type="tns:PurchaseOrderBook">
>>>>    <soap:binding style="rpc"
>>>>                  transport=""/>
>>>>    <operation name="getOrder">
>>>>      <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
>>>>      <input>
>>>>        <soap:body use="encoded"
>>>>                   namespace="urn:GetPO"
>>>>      </input>
>>>>      <output>
>>>>        <soap:body use="encoded"
>>>>                   namespace="urn:GetPO"
>>>>      </output>
>>>>    </operation>
>>>>  </binding>
>>>>  <!-- service decln -->
>>>>  <service name="POservice">
>>>>    <port name="GetPO" binding="tns:TestingNet" >
>>>>      <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/axis/services/GetPO"/>
>>>>    </port>
>>>>  </service>
>>>>Please help...thanks in advance...
>>>>Dhananjayan K

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