I still have this issue with 1.2RC2. Any ideas?


On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 15:15 +0100, Yves Langisch wrote:
> All,
> I try to access a message style web service with following client code
> (1.2RC1):
>         Call call = (Call) new Service().createCall();
>         call.setTargetEndpointAddress(ENDPOINT);
>         InputStream input = new FileInputStream("h:/COMPLEXCompany.xml");
>         SOAPEnvelope reqEnv = new SOAPEnvelope();
>         SOAPBody body = reqEnv.getBody();
>         body.addChildElement(new SOAPBodyElement(input));
>         SOAPEnvelope resEnv = call.invoke(reqEnv);
> The soap-request I see with TcpMon on the wire has set the namespaces
> explicitely for each element in the request:
> snippet:
> <UserAgent 
> xmlns="http://a.b.c/schema/sd/20040701/SalaryDeclarationContainer";>  
>             <Producer
> xmlns="http://a.b.c/schema/sd/20040701/SalaryDeclarationContainer";>Producer</Producer>
>             <Name
> xmlns="http://a.b.c/schema/sd/20040701/SalaryDeclarationContainer";>Test</Name>
>             <Version
> xmlns="http://a.b.c/schema/sd/20040701/SalaryDeclarationContainer";>0.1</Version>
>             <Certificate
> xmlns="http://a.b.c/schema/sd/20040701/SalaryDeclarationContainer";>None</Certificate>
>          </UserAgent>
> But the appropriate snippet in the file I put into the envelope is as follows:
> <SalaryDeclarationRequest
>     xmlns="http://a.b.c/schema/sd/20040701/SalaryDeclarationContainer";
>     xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
>     <UserAgent>
>         <Producer>Producer</Producer>
>         <Name>Test</Name>
>         <Version>0.1</Version>
>         <Certificate>None</Certificate>
>     </UserAgent>...
> Any ideas why this duplicating of namespaces is happening?
> Yves

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