Is this a v1.2 RC thing, or are you using AXIS v1.1?
And, how are you designing the interface? 
There is a line of thinking that says, if you want interop, then start by designing the interface in a platform-independent manner.  In other words, WSDL and W3C XML Schema.   This applies whether you are using AXIS, .NET, or something else.  Some people call this "contract first" or "schema-first design".
Schema-first design is a hassle you don't need if you are doing like-to-like communications.  So don't do it.  AXIS-to-AXIS is easy.  .NET-to-.NET is easy.  Just define your Interface in actual code (write your Java interface), specify some magic in the WSDD, and boom, you can connect.
It's when you want to mix and match clients and servers that this approach falls down.  Simple cases are ok, but nested arrays and structs don't work.   In other words, starting with a .net server-side class and expecting the dynamically-generated WSDL to give good interop with an AXIS client, is wishful thinking.  Likewise for the converse. or any other combination of unlike webservices stacks. 
It sounds like you started with a Java class, and you are using Java2WSDL on it.  I would suggest that you start with the schema and WSDL, then generate the server-side Java interfaces and support classes with WSDL2Java.  Then provide the server-side implementations.  You may need adapters between the classes generated from the schema, and the existing application  on the server side. 
Likewise, generate the .NET (client-side) proxies from the WSDL. 


From: Praveen Peddi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:52 PM
Subject: array of recursive beans (doc/literal style)

I have a method getRootContainers that returns array of ContainerBean[]. Each ContainerBean has reference to an array of child ContainerBean[]. With Eugene's help I could make the array stuff work. the method sucessfully returns the array of COntainerBean[] and .NET reads it fine. But .NET client doesn't read them recursively. It only build the top level array fine but each ContainerBean has array of other ContainerBean. My service in wsdd looks as follows:

<service name="CMISOAPContainerService" provider="java:RPC" style="wrapped" use="literal">

<parameter name="allowedMethods" value="copyContainer createContainer deleteContainer getContainer getContainerIcon getContainerProperties getRootContainers getContainerObjects getContentObjectsForContainer getRootContainers moveContainer updateContainer createQueryContainer updateQueryContainer createTaxonomy"/>

<parameter name="scope" value="session"/>

<parameter name="className" value="com.contextmedia.ip.session.soap.CMISOAPContainerService"/>

<operation name="getRootContainers" qname="ns:getRootContainers" xmlns:ns=""     returnQName="ns:item" returnType="ns:ContainerBean[]" >

    <parameter name="depth" qname="ns:depth" type="xsd:int" mode="IN" />


<typemapping languageSpecificType="java:com.contextmedia.ip.session.soap.ContainerBean[]" qname="soapenc:Array" deserializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArrayDeserializerFactory" serializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArraySerializerFactory" encodingStyle="" xmlns:soapenc=""/>

<beanMapping qname="bean:ContainerBean" xmlns:bean="" languageSpecificType="java:com.contextmedia.ip.session.soap.ContainerBean"/>


I had to add <operation> and <typeMapping> tags after seeing Eugene's sample. w/o those two tags, even the first level of ContainerBean[] was not working.
Not sure what else I am missing, How do I make the recursive bean stuff work? Is there any special configuration in WSDD file to make array of recursive beans work.
Praveen Peddi
Sr Software Engg, Context Media, Inc.
Tel:  401.854.3475
Fax:  401.861.3596
Context Media- "The Leader in Enterprise Content Integration"

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