Hello all,

It's almost a full year since I released AxKit::XSP::Session, and have learned a great deal about making XSP taglibs since then. I was working on a project that, due to some technical issues beyond my control, no longer needed sessions, and therefore I didn't have the time to maintain my codebase.

This weekend, I took it upon myself to finally fix my ailing code (mainly because I needed to use sessions for a new project ;-)

I tried using Jörg's session taglib, but couldn't get it to work for my project. His taglib module seemed a bit overkill for what I wanted to do, so I threw my broken XSP taglib out the window and rewrote it using TaglibHelper. As far as my testing has gone, I believe to have ironed out the big bugs.

Another thing I set out to fix was the namespace conflict between Jörg's and my module, both of them trying to use the same package name and URI. I therefore renamed AxKit::XSP::Session to AxKit::XSP::BasicSession, since it does very little compared to the new A:X:Session package. The URI has also changed to http://www.axkit.org/2002/XSP/BasicSession, since I'm not 100% compliant with the Cocoon2 specification.

You can download the new module at :


If some of you would be willing to try it out and give me some feedback, before I submit this to CPAN, I'd appreciate it. Particularly, I'd like comments on my changes to the namespace and package names.



Michael A Nachbaur
The best way to predict the Future is to invent it.

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