I tried sending this earlier in the week, but I don't recall seeing
it. If the first copy made it then I apologize.

I'm still trying to get Apache::SSI working with Axkit. I have an XML
document containing an SSI directive, but whenever I serve up anything
I receive:

[Fri Sep  5 17:36:25 2003] [warn] [client] [AxKit] handler called for 
[Fri Sep  5 17:36:25 2003] [warn] [client] [AxKit] Content Provider 
Override: Apache::AxKit::Provider::Filter
[Fri Sep  5 17:36:25 2003] [error] Can't locate object method "get_handlers" via 
package "Apache::Filter" at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Filter.pm line 105.

I modified my httpd.conf a bit:

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
  Alias /perl/ /var/www/perl/
  <Location /perl>
. . .
PerlModule AxKit
AddHandler axkit .xml
AddHandler axkit .xsp
PerlModule Apache::Filter
PerlModule Apache::SSI
. . .
<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /home/nolan/public_html/www.thewordnerd.info
    ServerName www.thewordnerd.info
<Files ~ ".xml">
SetHandler perl-script
#PerlSetVar SSIPerlPass_Request no # Tried with both yes and no
PerlSetVar Filter On
AxProvider Apache::AxKit::Provider::Filter
PerlHandler AxKit Apache::SSI
AxDebugLevel 10

This differs from my original configuration in that I reordered the
modules, placing SSI last as per the perldoc.

AFAIK I have the latest released versions of all of the above. Can
anyone give me some idea of what's going wrong? Or should I be
contacting the Apache::SSI author instead?


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