I'm having a bit of trouble setting up AxKit::XSP::BasicSession --
sessions don't seem to be maintained from one page load to the next.

my httpd.conf includes 

  AxAddPlugin Apache::AxKit::Plugin::BasicSession
  AxAddXSPTaglib AxKit::XSP::BasicSession
  PerlSetVar BasicSessionDataStore DB_File
  PerlSetVar BasicSessionArgs "FileName => /tmp/session"

my sample xsp page looks soemthing like this:


This prints a session id; however, reloading the page prints another
session id, when I would expect to get the same one again.  I'm accepting
the cookie from the server.  I've checked the file /tmp/session and it
does get written to every time I access the page.  This behavior is
happening with Mozilla, IE, and lynx, so I don't think it's

Any ideas?

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