> Could it be related to the Bug reported in
> http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=4518
No, I'm using libxml2 2.5.11.

> The C libxml is looking for that, see
> http://www.xmlsoft.org/catalog.html
> for details
I know what it is, I was just filling in possibly pertinent "environmental

> There's a way to force document() to be source relative or style-sheet
> relative based on the second parameter, which you would set to either .
> or "" ... check the XSLT FAQ
Yeah, in my example it's "source-relative", to wit:
  <xsl:copy-of select="document('../include.xml?query=1',.)"/>

where "." (the current node) is in my source document. This works
"correctly", just "differently" in the first XSLT pass and successive
passes, as noted. In the first pass, the path is absolute and everything
works fine. In successive passes, the path is relative, and, in converting
it to an absolute path, Apache::AxKit::Provider::get_provider removes the
query string (i.e., anything after the first "?"). The provider for the
referenced URL uses the query string, so this is no good. My "quick fix"
was to remove the offending substitution, viz. "$uri =~ s/\?.*$//;", from
Apache/AxKit/Provider.pm. This is working so far, and causes no failures
in "make test" -- I'm just worried that the substitution is there for a
good reason and I'm breaking _something_. A brief glance into CVS shows
that this code was added with the Protocol Registry stuff in Provider.pm
1.17 and checked in by 'jwalt', though I'd have to do some more digging to
see if this functionality was moved from elsewhere. Seems like it should
be up to each provider (not the mechanism which calls the provider) to
dispose of query strings however it sees fit (e.g., the File provider
might ignore them).

Jason T. Miller
One View Engineering

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