On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 11:21, Jim Garvin wrote:
> Kip Hampton wrote:
> >
> > Let us know how you make out. If you get stuck, or something wasn't 
> > clear, please don't hesitate.
> >
> > -kip
> Thanks alot guys (Arne, Kip).  Looks like some sage advice there.  I'm 
> going to test out Perl/Mason here today, and then I'll use the tips you 
> gave me tomorrow (or Friday).  Whichever makes the most sense for this 
> project will survive!

I think Kip's comment about XSP being used as a thin layer between a
request and a Taglib is an important consideration about XSP. When I
first looked at XSP, i gave it merely a glance and filed at as yet
another .JSP/.ASP kind of technology. But unlike those, XSP can happen
pre-presentation, i.e. produce pure XML without any presentation and
still have XSL do all the presenation related logic.

I built my application architecture around the Provider::Filter and for
the App i'm working on, i still like the idea. But I'm now also writing
taglibs, because it lets me easily combine multiple "applications" into
one page, by simply having them wrapped by a tab that XSP uses to
execute my application code and generate XML.


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