Hi guys,
  I'm trying to get file uploads to work and am just too ignorant of the
process to troubleshoot what is going on.  It seems like this should
work but it doesn't.  It is in an xsp file named "input":
        my $apr = Apache::Request->instance( $r );
        my $upload = $apr->upload;
                my $filename = $upload->filename;
                warn "got an upload!: $filename";
        }else{ warn "NO upload"; }
#       foreach my $upload ($r->upload) {
#         my $filename    = $upload->filename;^M
#         my $filehandle  = $upload->fh;^M
#         my $size        = $upload->size;^M
#       warn "UPLOAD A FILE FOUND!: $filename";
#       }
All I get is "NO upload" in the log.  
Here's the form html:
                        <form action="/ken/tabletool/input"
method="POST" encoding="multipart/form-data" name="uploadformtest"
<input type="hidden" name="sys_name" value="uploadform">       
                        <input type="hidden" name="sys_community"
                        <label for="filename">Filename</label>   
                        <input type="file" name="filename" value=""
length="" max="">     
                        <br><p class="button">
<input class="button" type="submit" name="sys_action" value="Upload"
Can I look for an example somewhere?  

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