Kip- thanks for the pointer.  This did the trick!!!  Thanks!


On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 10:59, Kip Hampton wrote:
> Laura Huerta wrote:
> > After reading the docs, still can't figure out what's going wrong.  Any
> > help is appreciated.
> Hi Laura,
> Well, nothing is *wrong* exactly, its just that the Perform taglib 
> generates an intermediate application grammar that you need to transform 
> into HTML, XUL or whatever your target result is. Assuming its HTML you 
> want as a result, the Perform distribution ships with both XSLT and 
> XPathScript stylesheets that will (should) do that transformation for you.
> Let's say you want to use the XSLT stylesheet, just copy 
> perform_html.xsl from the stylesheets/ directory in the Perform 
> distribution to somewhere inside your site's DocumentRoot (we'll say you 
> have a top-level directory called 'styles' inside your DocumentRoot for 
> this example). Then all you need to do is add an xml-stylesheet 
> processing instruction after the one you already have at the top of your 
> XSP source:
> <?xml-stylesheet type="application/x-xsp" href="NULL"?>
> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/styles/perform_html.xsl"?>
> and that should give you the HTML result that you expect.
> Let us know how it works out,
> -kip

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