I have tried to install AxKit on RH9.0 using the
instructions at

Everything goes well until I try to install Perl Axkit
modules.  I use perl -MCPAN -e shell , then the
install AxKit commands. 

It complains about not finding the iconv system
library. I have installed it as per the instructions
mentioned in the URL that I mentioned above.

checking for iconv() in -liconv... no
checking for libiconv() in -liconv... no
checking for iconv() in -lc... no
AxKit needs the iconv system library to work properly

I would greatly appreciate any help in resolving this


Below is the output of install 
$>perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan>install AxKit 

AxKit's installer magic requires
ExtUtils::AutoInstall. AxKit comes
with an older version, but it will not be installed. 
You should
install the most recent ExtUtils::AutoInstall at your


*** ExtUtils::AutoInstall version 0.32
*** Checking for dependencies...
[Core Features]
- mod_perl        ...loaded. (1.29 >= 1.17)
- Digest::MD5     ...loaded. (2.20 >= 2.09)
- Compress::Zlib  ...loaded. (1.16)
- Error           ...loaded. (0.15 >= 0.14)
- Apache::Request ...loaded. (1.3 >= 0.31_03)
- File::Basename  ...loaded. (2.71)
- File::Spec      ...loaded. (0.83)
[Apache::Test for live server tests]
- Apache::Test    ...loaded. (1.07 >= 1.00)
[Optional modules for using XPathScript]
- XML::Parser     ...loaded. (2.34 >= 2.27)
- XML::XPath      ...loaded. (1.13 >= 1.00)
[Optional module for using Sablotron XSLT engine]
- XML::Sablotron  ...loaded. (0.98 >= 0.40)
[Optional modules required for XSP and LibXSLT engine]
- XML::LibXML     ...loaded. (1.56 >= 1.51)
[Optional module required for LibXSLT engine]
- XML::LibXSLT    ...loaded. (1.53 >= 1.49)
[Optional for tidying output of AxTraceIntermediate
XSP pages]
- Perl::Tidy      ...loaded. (20031021)
*** ExtUtils::AutoInstall configuration finished.
    generating script t/TEST
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/File/Spec/Unix.pm line 77.
running xml2-config... ok
looking for -lxml2... no

We will now check if your apache has XML symbols in
it, to be sure that
AxKit will work under your version of Apache. If you
do not wish to
perform this check (it shouldn't be necessary if you
installed Apache
*after* installing Expat), then please just enter 0
(zero) below and
these tests will be skipped.

Path to apache httpd? [/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd]
checking for expat symbols in apache... ok
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
checking for iconv() in -liconv... no
checking for libiconv() in -liconv... no
checking for iconv() in -lc... no
AxKit needs the iconv system library to work properly.
This comes by
default with most Unix systems, however it may be that
you do not
have the development libraries installed, or possibly
that you just
don't have iconv available on your system. For *BSD
systems, iconv
is available in your distribution's ports collection.
For Win32
systems, a google search will often suffice to find a
Win32 library
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. 
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  make had returned bad status, install seems


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