On Sun, 2004-02-15 at 09:31, Oleg Kolobov wrote:
> Hi axkit's users!
> I'm working under a new tagLibrary for AxKit frame-work, which
> allow access to classic Z39.50 environment (information retrieval
> IT standard), which very famous in librarian community. The access
> to Z39.50 allowed via Web/Z39.50 Gateway (based on AxKit).
Interesting, we working on the same thing here.
We just havent created the taglib yet, we were in a hurry so the Z39.50
part is just inline perl code in the XSP page. (ugh)

If it is possible, I would like to see/use your implementation of a
z39.50 taglib. I am assuming you are using Net::Z3950 from CPAN?

I can't help with the transformations though, we never had to disable
output encoding.

> The tagLibrary based on SimpleTagLib.pm, and trivial transformation
> of dynamic content works fine:
> (xsp:page)->[XSP(1)]->(xml)->[XPS(2)]->(xml)->[XSLT(3)]->(html)
> (1) - invoke the tagLibrary for access to Z39.50 Server(s)
> (2) - transformation the escaping content from  Z39.50 environment
> (3) - rendering database records
> It works fine. I'm using XPathscript for un-escaping database record only.
> I'll will be glad to offer another approach, because I not sure that use
> XPathscript really needed here, like this
> (xsp:page)->[XSP(1)]->(xml)->[XSLT(2)]->(xml)->[XSLT(3)]->(html)
> but I can't to get proper result. (2) stage like this
> <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
>  <xsl:copy>
>   <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
>  </xsl:copy>
> </xsl:template>
> <xsl:template match="recordData">
>  <recordData>
>  <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="text()"/>
>  </recordData>
> </xsl:template>
> on the (3) stage I have to work with un-escaping recordData, but
> recordData unchanged (eg. escaping).
> I've trace result, and I'm confusing, after (2) stage I have
> un-escaping database record, but on the (3) stage I have escaping
> database record. It is like that (2) stage not present.
> Are there possibilities un-escaping dynamic content in pipeline?
> Thanks,
> Oleg
Frej Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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