On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 09:10:39PM +0100, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> I should leave the answer to that question to others, but I think it is 
> relevant which version of libxml2 you are using. I guess it is 2.6.6-1?

yes, that's the version, but it doesn't matter ... 

> If I have understood the earlier discussion here correctly, it is the 
> 2.6 versions that are problematic. Thus, I compiled 2.5.10 from a 
> source package of 2003-06-01, which is the latest version that the 
> XML::LibXML README file mentions as being tested. I've got some debs, 
> you can have them if you want, but they were my first debs ever (except 
> for linux kernels), so no warranties... :-) Also, I just removed them 
> and upgraded myself, because they conflict with the recent KDE 3.1.5 
> packages (and 3.2 in experimental), and with Matt's enthusiastic "All 
> working" message, I figured it was time to upgrade. 

Thanks for the offer, but I also look forward to the "All working" versions
freshly submitted to the CVS on axkit.org. - Yes I've found it ! So I checked 
out the new XML::LibXML, XML::LibXSLT and build some debs from it.
You can find them on 
... but also no warranties ;)

My problem is fixed: the "axkit:/"-URI passed to the document() function 
works now !

- Richard

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