I'm probably doing something stupid, but I can't find an answer in the list archives or google. Maybe it's just getting late and I should go to bed, but .....
Is there any reason why AxKit will only work with Apache::Filter if it's the last handler in the chain ?. I have two content handlers, and ....
PerlHandler Example1 Example2 AxKit
works, in that all handlers chain. But....
PerHandler Example1 AxKit Example2
doesn't run the last handler properly. Error in the log file is
Not a HASH reference at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/Filter.pm line 197
Line 197 is the first attempt to use $self in sub READLINE of Filter.pm. $self is the Apache request object so something's a bit screwed up.
I tried using Apache::SSI in place of my Example2 but this behaves the same - works if AxKit is last in the chain and not otherwise.
Apache is 1.3.29 with mod_perl 1.29 and AxKit 1.62 all built from source. Apache::Filter is 1.022.
Any got any clues ?. TFM's I should go and R ??
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