I released AxKit::App::Gallery 0.5 to CPAN yesterday.  It can be
downloaded from


From the README:
                                ---- BEGIN ----

This is an AxKit based image gallery, using XSLT and XPathScript.  Directory
hierarchies of images can be placed online with minimal effort.  To see
an example of AxKit::App::Gallery in use, go to

    http://jc.ngo.org.uk/pics/ [1]

                                ----  END  ----

New features and changes in this version include:

  * A switch to use RDF as the wrapper format for image metadata, and
    the use of a number of different namespaces, including DublinCore,
    to hold image information.

  * Multiple output stylesheets, including the ability to present your
    data as RSS (RSS generating stylesheet included).

  * Far fewer logging calls, you can run this on a production box
    without worrying about flooding your log files.

  * Marginally prettier default stylesheets, which also show more of the
    image meta-data.

  * More documentation, including an INSTALL document which goes through
    the various dependencies required, and known-good working versions
    of them.

I hope you find AxKit::App::Gallery useful.

[1] I'm in the process of rsync'ing up about 7GB of files, which will
    take some time, so some of the directories later in the list might
    appear to be empty for a bit.
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