Hey Tom,

could you please post the libxml2 version you use?

that helps to find the problem.


On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 10:26, Tom Schindl wrote:
> Hi,
> well that's not really AxKit related but I know that there are many
> XML-Gurus following this list.
> Take a look at the following DTD's:
> DTD-1:
> ---------------------8<---------------------
> <!ELEMENT foo ( bar, beso:bar )>
> <!ATTLIST foo
>             xmlns:beso CDATA #REQUIRED
> >
> <!ATTLIST bar
>             beso:testbar CDATA #IMPLIED
>             testbar      CDATA #IMPLIED>
> <!ELEMENT beso:bar EMPTY>
> ---------------------8<---------------------
> DTD-2:
> ---------------------8<---------------------
> <!ELEMENT foo ( bar, beso:bar )>
> <!ATTLIST foo
>             xmlns:beso CDATA #REQUIRED
> >
> <!ATTLIST bar
>             beso:testbar CDATA #IMPLIED
>             testbar      CDATA #REQUIRED>
> <!ELEMENT beso:bar EMPTY>
> ---------------------8<---------------------
> DTD-3:
> ---------------------8<---------------------
> <!ELEMENT foo ( bar, beso:bar )>
> <!ATTLIST foo
>             xmlns:beso CDATA #REQUIRED
> >
> <!ATTLIST bar
>             beso:testbar CDATA #IMPLIED
>             testbar      CDATA #REQUIRED>
> ---------------------8<---------------------
> XML:
> ---------------------8<---------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "./test.dtd" >
> <foo xmlns:beso="http://www.bestsolution.at/testns";>
>     <bar beso:testbar="bli" testbar="blo" />
>     <beso:bar beso:testbar="bli" testbar="blo" />
> </foo>
> ---------------------8<---------------------
> Using xmllint(xmllint --valid --noout test.xml) I expected the following
> results:
> DTD1: invalid => no attribute (beso:testbar,testbar) in beso:bar
> DTD2: invalid => no attribute (beso:testbar,testbar) in beso:bar
> DTD3: invalid => no element beso:bar in foo
> But got:
> DTD1: valid (is there some inheritance???if yes, see DTD2)
> DTD2: valid (if attributes are inherited why does #REQUIRED is 
>              transformed to #IMPLIED)
> DTD3: valid 
> What am I missing, is libxml's DTD-Validation broken or does it follow
> the XML-specs?
> thx
> Tom

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