
While working with AxKit on Debian Testing I hit the bug discussed in http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/perl-xml/1998028, and saw also http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/perl-xml/1998065.

Therefore, I decided to upgrade my XML::LibXML to 1.57. After that I am getting the error again, but from time to time.

I have an XSP page that generates an XML; the page uses AxKit::XSP::Util. The page gets transformed by an XPathScript stylesheet. There are two versions of the stylesheet, the default one and the printable-page stylesheet.

What happens:

- load the XSP first: Internal Server Error, and in error log: Couldn't create file parser context for file

- press the reload button : the page appears, at last

- load the printable version: same error again :-\

- reload the printable version: works ok

If I do this several times, it is necessary to do the reload many times before seeing the page appear.

Any clues? Any patch?

storage:~# perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.3 built for i386-linux-thread-multi


storage:~# perl -MXML::LibXML -e 'print "$XML::LibXML::VERSION\n"'

storage:~# xml2-config --version

Ciao and thanks --bronto

Marco Marongiu                            Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator                      Phone: +39 070 460 1684
Tiscali S.p.A.                            Fax:   +39 070 460 9684
International IT Services

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